remote therapist Singapore

Laura Tarsia, Psychoanalyst
Online Counselling & Psychotherapy
for Western Australia, Singapore & Hong Kong

online psychotherapy Hong Kong
27th July 2024 
Working with Children
FAQ / Contact


Hong Kong

Western Australia

Remote Sessions are held online via zoom
click here to email

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Psychoanalytic psychotherapist and a member of CFAR.(Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research)

I offer psychotherapy in Italian, Spanish, French as well as English to both adults and children, on an individual basis.

Psychotherapy and counselling are talking treatments that can help you overcoming emotional difficulties and free yourself from unwanted and painful ways of feeling, thinking and behaving.

Being emotionally unwell can manifest in a number of ways such as:

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  • Work-related stress
  • Relationships (partner/sexual/work)
  • Bereavement
  • Redundancy
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleeping problems
  • Low self confidence
  • Panic Attacks
  • Trauma
  • Eating problems
    (For more info visit: Mind)

    Sessions can be arranged on an open ended basis or for an agreed time period.
    It is possible to discuss an appointment on the phone prior to coming along for a session.

    I am currently working abroad in Asia and due to the time differences are working online with clients from Singapore, Hong Kong, Western Australia. I will be returning to the UK in a year or two.

    To make an appointment or for any other enquires please click here to email

  • Laura Tarsia - Lacanian Psychoanalyst - South East Asia.Online Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy & Counselling in Spanish, Italian and French